Parish Office: 201-444-0272
Parish Web-Site:
Religious Education Office: 201-447-2779
We Are His Witnesses
A Pastoral Letter to the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of the Archdiocese of Newark
from Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop of Newark
Phone: 201-444-0272 ex: 16
In Residence
Phone: 201-444-0272 ex: 18
Weekend Assistant
Phone: 201-444-0272 ex: 22
Pastoral Associate, Liturgy
Phone: 201-444-0272 ext. 20
Pastoral Associate, Confirmation
Phone: 201-447-2779 (CCD Office)
Pastoral Associate
Phone: 201-444-0272 ext. 30
Director of Religious Education
Phone: 201-447-2779 (CCD Office)
RCIA Coordinator
Phone: 201-444-0272 ext. 13
Director of Music
Phone: 201-444-0272 ex: 26
Business Manager
Phone: 201-444-0272 ex: 29
Property Manager
Phone: 201-444-0272 ext. 21
Assistant to the Pastor
Phone: 201-444-0272 ex: 12
Cemetery Administrator
Phone: 201-444-0272
Parish Trustee
Parish Trustee
Finance Council President
Finance Council Chair
"God is Good, all the time!"